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St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School

Pupil Chaplaincy, Liturgy and Mini Vinnies

Chaplaincy Group


Our Chaplaincy Group has children from each class across our school.  We meet regularly to pray and enjoy spending time together.  During this year we have planned together and carried out a variety of service across the school.  In October, the month of the rosary, we spent time in each class leading The Rosary at the end of the school day.  In November we organised a reverse Advent calendar and we loved designing and putting up posters to tell the rest of the school what food we were collecting each week.  We love thinking of ways that we can help others!  During December we loved singing Christmas Carols together as a way of worshiping The Lord. 


During January we continued to pray together and sort food that has been collected.  In February we distributed the monthly reflection and reading from Pope Benedict to our classes, sometimes morning prayers or say a class prayer.  Also they remind other children in class to write prayers for the class prayer table.  The Chaplaincy group also lead prayer writing within class that they then bring to the central prayer places around the school.  In addition they put the Popes monthly prayer request and relevant reading onto the class prayer table at the start of each month. 



Chaplaincy Group

Liturgy Leaders


We are very excited to have a group of Liturgy Leaders in our school.  We are going to be working together to prepare and lead Collective Worship to the whole school.  Our first time that we lead a whole school gathering in Collective Worship will be on a theme of Lent. 


Lenten Liturgy

Mini Vinnies


At SMC we are looking forward to starting a Mini Vinnie group across the whole school.  Following an inspirational introduction from Charlie Bennett applications are open for children to show their enthusiasm and interest in becoming a Mini Vinnie. 


Mini Vinnies

Mini Vinnies in the community

Some of our Mini Vinnie's went to Tonbridge Baptist Church to help at the food bank where all the items donated at harvest festival went. They helped unpack the items, sort them and learnt how to read best before dates. 

Archbishop John celebrated a marvellous SVP mass at St George's Cathedral on 07.06.23 with the Mini Vinnies. It was also the feast day of The Sacred Heart of Jesus. Schools came from four different diocese and embraced the community spirit. There was a wonderful picnic and games at the Imperial War Museum gardens afterwards. Some of our St Margaret Clitherow Mini Vinnies participated and were given some excellent ideas for ways in which they can serve our local community.

Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary Schoo is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.

At our school everything we do comes from our Mission statement Love. The school values we instill in our children are SERVICE, THANKFULNESS, RESPECT, FORGIVENESS, INTEGRITY, RESILIENCE, FAITH and ASPIRATION.