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St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School


 The Greatest Week

An Easter Reflection


Written and presented by Year 4 and supported by Year 3

Why Might Holy Week start with Palm Sunday?

  • So the people can celebrate with Jesus for the last time.
  • As they want to say thank you to Jesus because He's about to sacrifice His life for their sins, and that's the biggest thing He could give.
  • Because it begins with happiness for the week.
  • To prepare us for Holy Week, to remind us that Jesus is holy, as it's a special time.
  • Because everyone waves palm tree leaves when Jesus enters Jerusalem on this joyful day! 


Maundy Thursday - The Last Supper

  • This made us feel that Jesus knows what will happen and when we are with Him we will always be safe.
  • This made us feel really safe and secure because Jesus plans out our lives and everything in it, so that felf really comforting.


Almighty Father,

Thank you for guiding us and helping us to follow the right path of Jesus' footsteps. Please help us to never go meandering round the wrong path and please forgive our sins.




Good Friday - Jesus Dies 

  • We feel sad, worried and hurt that Jesus was put on the cross to die in shame. 
  • At the darkest time, He was anxious yet calm.
  • When we're finding times hard, we can think of Jesus and what He would do, to help us in these difficult moments.


Dear God,

Thank you for forgiving our sins by giving up your Son to die on the cross for our sakes. Please help us to understand and to forgive other people when they sin against us, so that we can live in harmony as God wants us to do.



Easter Sunday - The Resurrection

  • We feel reassured and honoured because Jesus sent His disciples all around the world to spread the Word of God. He spent His time to pick people around the world, like us so everyone can know who God is and people can believe in Him and there can be more love and peace in this world.


Dear Lord,

Thank you that you chose the disciples to spread your Word, so that we can live in a heart- warming world. Also thank you for helping us through our sad times and carrying us through our happy times.



Songs using BSL


This is my Body

Give me Joy in my heart

The sign of Love

I've seen the Lord

Jesus on the Cross

In Luke 23:33, we learn about Jesus on the cross with a thief on either side. One thief asked "Aren't you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!" Rather than joining him, the other criminal rebuked him. "Do you not fear God," he said, "We are punished justly, for we are getting what we deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong. Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom." Jesus responded, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise."


What can we learn from this Gospel?


  • It is never too late to change
  • Jesus shows mercy to others 
  • Be humble by not thinking we are better than others
  • Say sorry when we do something wrong
  • The thief made a good choice at the end of his life and he was forgiven
  • Even when we keep making mistakes, Jesus accepts us because we follow Him
  • We can have forgiveness and be with Jesus in paradise like the thief who changed
  • Trust in God and He will lead the way because He is the way, the truth and the life
  • It's important to pray for those who do not follow Jesus and ask for their hearts to be softened so they can go to heaven
  • We should forgive others if we want to be forgiven
  • Paradise is where we want to be with God
  • We all make choices and can choose to do the right thing if we want to
  • God is love

Making Easter Cards


Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address Barham Court, Teston, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary Schoo is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.

At our school everything we do comes from our Mission statement Love. The school values we instill in our children are SERVICE, THANKFULNESS, RESPECT, FORGIVENESS, INTEGRITY, RESILIENCE, FAITH and ASPIRATION.